Wednesday, February 10, 2010

bright yellow sun and cool green grass

At our last HMP meeting, we had a speaker come to talk to us about personality traits and how to deal with our strengths and weaknesses. We did an activity to figure out our temperament, which was very interesting. Out of the four main personality types, (sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic), I found out that I have a mostly sanguine personality. Although I had the most sanguine characteristics, I had a high number of phlegmatic characteristics too. i would consider my temperament a mix of the two. Some of my sanguine characteristics were: playful, spontaneous, optimistic, cheerful, and mixes easily. Some phlegmatic characteristics were: reserved, friendly, tolerant, listener, and contented. The choleric personality matched many of my strengths too, however, I did not have many of the choleric weaknesses.

The weaknesses I had were mainly of the sanguine and phlegmatic personality types also. I am unpredictable, haphazard, permissive, naive, inconsistent, restless, and changeable. I can also be indecisive, a worrier, timid, very doubtful, and lazy. This activity helped me to realize what weaknesses I need to work on. Although I am not perfect, and I do make mistakes, I can at least try to make some changes. However, the strengths along with the many weaknesses make me who I am today. This is ME. My personality type will most likely stay the same throughout life, so I can learn to accept who I am and why I handle things the way I do.